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Berge im Nebel

IP Valuation

Analyzing the most important company asset in various situations

IP Valuation for PPAs (Pre-/Post-Merger)

Providing support in the valuation of intellectual property within the scope of Purchase Price Allocations (PPAs) before and after mergers and acquisitions. These valuations ensure that the economic value of IP, such as trademarks, patents, or technologies, is accurately assessed before the deal and properly integrated into financial reporting after the deal. The objective is to ensure transparency, compliance, and the long-term value of the transaction.

Brand valuation for financial Brand Management

Delivering well-founded brand valuations to help companies better understand, manage, and strategically leverage the financial significance of their brands. These valuations serve as the foundation for decisions in areas such as licensing, investments, portfolio management, and brand strategy. The focus is on quantifying brand value and its importance in the company’s value creation process.

Due Diligence of IP in the M&A Process

Conducting comprehensive due diligence of intellectual property in the context of M&A transactions. The aim is to identify potential risks and opportunities related to IP at an early stage. This includes reviewing protection rights, licensing agreements, and potential legal disputes. Such analysis ensures that the target company’s IP delivers the expected added value and does not pose unforeseen liabilities.

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